A Day at Westside

What does a day at Westside look like?

Scroll through our example schedule of a typical day below to get a taste of our community in action! 

10am-10:15am - Welcome!

Arrive, sign in, put things away in cubbies, check the board to see what we're doing for the day, find friends, and get comfortable in the space.

10:15am-11:00am - Circle time + Classes

All students and teachers start the day together for circle time to share how we are all doing before breaking out into separate age groups for class time.  Classes are conducted as 4-week series on specific topics.  For example, the younger age group might learn about the topic of water for 4 weeks which could include participating in a read-aloud/discussion of a picture book for week 1, choreograph a performance or dance based on the water cycle for week 2, create a collaborative piece of process art using water colors for week 3, and visit a local water tower for week 4.  The possibilities are endless!  As the year progresses, topics will be increasingly based on the students interests as we get to know them! 

11:00am-2:00pm - Lunch followed by self-directed play time 

Lunch begins after class time. Teachers are available to help students prepare their lunches.  We have a full kitchen that can be used.  After lunch, self-directed play time begins! Teachers are available to help facilitate student activities, but we also know how to get out of the way of PLAY!  The teachers are attentive to any conflicts that arise during play time as well, to help students navigate social time with their peers.  Just before 2pm, we straighten the school building as a group to be ready to go home. Families are welcome to join for 1 or 2 days a week :)